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I’m Emily, a teacher turned data-driven experience designer working to craft engaging products for good.


A range of pieces from studies to full product designs that include discovery, research, ideation, UX/UI design, prototyping, and usability tests.


UX Design

An iOS app from heuristic analysis to prototyping for increased downloads and user retention



UX/UI Design

SVC student capstone website redesign with streamlined conversion flow 


UX/UI Design

A website redesign with streamlined conversion flow for the investigative journalism site from heuristic analysis to prototyping


Vigor CRM

UX Designer

An internal tool redesign of a customer relationship management platform from Dynamics to IFS.



UX/UI Design

SVC student information architecture and user research with Co-op membership landing page 


UX/UI Design

SVC student app home page redesign from user research to prototyping


Q Card Project

UX/UI Design

Educational healthcare tool to better use the Q Card from user research to prototyping


Double Dutch VR

 UX and VR UI Design

A galactic double dutch virtual reality experience set 1,000 years in the future from research to prototyping


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